Tuesday, March 19, 2013

An Exciting Week

For those who may have missed it, MY MISSION CALL CAME!! After two whole months of anxiously waiting to see where the Lord wants me to spend the next year-and-a-half of my life, it finally came. I've been called to the Birmingham, Alabama mission and I couldn't be happier. I'm speaking English and I report on May 29th, which is a little over 2 months away! It's crazy how soon I will become a full-time missionary.

A bunch of people came to support me at my call opening, and even more were there in spirit/phone/video in Texas and surrounding states. Here are some pictures...

Me with my roommates, Margo on the right and Audrey on the left.

One of my dearest friends, Mckenzie.

It's here!!!

Holding my call. So, so excited.

My brother and I, who recently returned from a mission to Mesa. His phone looks like it's in my mouth... but it's not, promise.

My mom and me. Mixed emotions, for sure.

Family picture. My favorite people ever.

Reading through the book...

And this is by far my favorite picture of the whole night. Captures my shocked "I'm going where?!" reaction perfectly. Alabama, here I come. :)

Well, enough about my mission call. It's time to start writing about my Book of Mormon class from this week. We discussed several chapters this week, but the ones we covered the most in-depth were chapters 22-28. His challenge to us was to take our scripture study and turn it to "I" level, where we can be up close and personal and apply the truths to our lives. In chapter 22, verses 5-10, the Savior is quoting Isaiah. But verses 7-8 are a missionary's goldmine scriptures, according to Brother Griffin. It says "For a small moment have I forsaken thee, but with great mercies will I gather thee. In a little wrath I hid my face from thee for a moment, but with everlasting kindness will I have mercy on thee, saith the Lord thy Redeemer." This is a powerful verse that can comfort many investigators if we take it to a personal level. Oftentimes my investigators probably will feel as though God has forsaken them and turned Himself away from them. However, they can be reassured that this will only be for a small moment. Because He will gather us "with great mercies," and He will have "everlasting kindness" and "mercy" on us. It goes onto mention all the trials that we will endure, and so will our investigators. Regardless, He will always be there and "will lay [our] stones with fair colors, and lay [our] foundations with sapphires." The road won't be easy, but it will always be blessed by the Lord. 

One interpretation of verse 16 is also pretty cool. It says "Behold, I have created the smith that bloweth the coals in the fire, and that bringeth forth an instrument for his work; and I have created the waster to destroy." It's interesting how a "smith" or a blacksmith is a tool for work, and ironically enough, the Savior's tool to restore the gospel was also named Smith. The instrument that's mentioned is the Book of Mormon, which is the best instrument there is. Finally, the "waster to destroy," is us, the missionaries. We are called to purge the world of sin and bring the truthfulness of the gospel. Cool, huh?

In chapter 23, the Savior commands us to search the words of Isaiah, and there is a big difference between reading and searching. Brother Griffin said that the ones who study Isaiah the most are often the ones who understand love it the most. The Savior has commanded us right then and there to love Isaiah's words. I love this class.

Thanks for reading,

1 comment:

  1. I found your comment on the mission blog website and followed it here. I just have to tell you I'm headed to Alabama too! And enter the MTC on the same day! We need to become friends...I also love your BOM insights and summaries. You're going to be an awesome missionary. :)
